This problem is a Fibonacci problem.
F(n)=F(n-1)+F(n-2);Solving this problem by recursion ,we will do a lot of same recursion.Example:F(10)=F(9)+F(8);F(9)=F(8)+F(7);we calculate F(8) twice,when n is large,this will increase as a rate of n's exponent.So a more efficient way to solve this problem is from Bottom to Top.
Calculate F(0) ,F(1);then F(2).........//F(n) = F(n-1) + F(n-2)class Solution {public: int climbStairs(int n) { //if(n<=2) return n; //0,1 int f0 = 0, f1=1, steps =0; for(int i=0; i